Nail Your First Teaching Interview

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Top 10 tips for inspiring teachers!

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
— Confucius

Make Your School Awesome Staff

May 28, 2021


If you’re a brand-new college graduate looking for that first opportunity to work at a school, or if you are a paraprofessional ready to leap into becoming a classroom teacher for the first time; here are our Top 10 Tips for Interviewing:


1. Do Your Homework!

Do your research. Find out as much information about the position as possible, including background information on the school district, the school building itself, and programs. Know the mission statement, school goals, and take the time to review the curriculum. Look up the school’s performance report/ test scores. This will all help you be as prepared as possible for the interview process.


2. Dress For Success

 Look refreshed! Dress professionally but consider sporting some school colors to show your spirit. Blazers and a collared shirt are always great options. 


3. Show Your Passion and Enthusiasm

It’s all about energy and excitement! Of course, thoroughly answering the interview questions and understanding curricular concepts are essential, but it’s that positive vibe that will make you stand out! Always be prepared to speak about your teaching experience and philosophy, do your best to share it with genuine passion.


4. Make Your Responses Relatable

When possible, provide responses to interview questions directly related to experiences you have had in the classroom! Share how you have provided solutions to traditional classroom problems, established classroom management practices, built relationships with your students, and highlight your successes with co-workers and parents. 


5. Make Eye Contact With Everyone

There may be only one person in the interview, or there could be a panel of stakeholders. Do not get intimidated!  Make sure you look around the room and use your subtle gestures to include everyone in your responses. Many times interviewers will take turns asking the questions but make sure you respond to the entire room and address others by name when possible.

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6. Technology Is Important

Throughout your responses, highlight your proficiency in the latest technology, including educational gadgets and applications! It will help you stand out from the crowd. Do your research and make sure you are up-to-date and proficient with the latest and greatest in classroom technology geared to the grade level position. 


7. Challenging Questions Are Opportunities

Remember, throughout the interviewing process; you will be able to discuss how you would handle certain classroom challenges. Highlight your creative solutions to traditional problems. Be yourself and stay confident.


8. Be A Lifetime Learner

Anyone entering the teaching profession has a love for learning! Make sure you present yourself as a passionate educator and a lifelong learner! Show your enthusiasm for continuous professional development. Teachers never stop learning!

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9. Communication Is Key

A strong teacher is a strong communicator. Make sure you highlight your ability to communicate with both students and parents on all levels regularly. Consider creating a digital newsletter addressed to parents that you would periodically distribute on a weekly or monthly basis. Possibly provide that newsletter in a language applicable to the school district demographics. A strong communicator is an inclusive communicator and a successful teacher! Make sure you share these ideas in your response or physically provide a paper or digital copy of the newsletter during the interview.


10. Always Have Questions Ready

It is common to provide the interviewers with one or two prepared questions. Interviewers will commonly end an interview with “Do you have any questions for us?” Prepare simple yet thoughtful questions specific to the position. Limit your questions. Keep it brief, meaningful, and upbeat!

Important teacher takeaways.

Always make eye contact and acknowledge everyone in the room. Show your compassion, warmth, and vibrant energy at all times. Large binders or portfolios /lesson plans are regularly used, but stand out and shine by creating custom handouts to leave behind showcasing your best work, lesson plans, creative class activities, bulletin boards, and communications with parents! Leave those mini-packets behind as personal handouts as you exit. This will undoubtedly help you stand out! 



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